Legal notice and Liability

HLB Intercontrol Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfung und Steuerberatung
Gonzagagasse 9/1/13, 1010 Wien

Telefon +43 1 313 62-0

Managing Directors

MMag. Markus Erharter, Mag. Dr. Markus Grün, Mag. Christian Klausner, Mag. Andreas Müller-Kreil, Mag. Andrea Schellner, Mag. Cornelia Spitzer, Mag. Andreas Urban, Mag. Stefan Werle, Mag. Christine Wiedenhofer

Ownership Structure

MMag. Markus Erharter (7,1%), Mag. Dr. Markus Grün (21,4%), Mag. Christian Klausner (7,1%), Mag. Andreas Müller-Kreil (7,1%), Mag. Andrea Schellner (7,1%), Mag. Cornelia Spitzer (7,1%), Mag. Andreas Urban (21,3%), Mag. Stefan Werle (14,2%), Mag. Christine Wiedenhofer (7,1%)

Company Headquarters


Company Register Number


Commercial Register Court

Handelsgericht Wien





VAT identification number


Chamber of Tax Advisers and Auditors

Schönbrunnerstraße 222-228/1/6
1120 Wien

Telefon +43 (1) 811 73-0
Fax +43 (1) 811 73-100

Used Pictures

iStockphoto, Pixabay, Unsplash

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The information on this website may be changed, removed or supplemented without prior notice. The author can therefore not guarantee the correctness, completeness, quality or timeliness of the information provided.

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By using this website, the user is subject to the present terms of use. These are part of the WWW offer. If parts or individual terms of this statement are not or no longer legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.

Basic Approach

The website contains non-political news dealing with tax, social and economic law, primarily aimed at the firm's Clients.

Disclaimer / § 5 ECG

The author of this website endeavours to present the information offered here completely and correctly to the best of his/her knowledge and belief and to keep it up to date. Nevertheless, the author cannot accept any liability whatsoever for damages that may result from the use of the information provided - even if these are attributable to the use of any incomplete or incorrect information.

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With this website, the author intends to provide information completely and correctly to the best of his knowledge and belief and keep this information updated. Nevertheless, the author assumes no liability whatsoever for damage that may result from the use of the information provided - even if the damage results from the use of possibly incomplete or erroneous information. Liability for the contents of the linked pages is hereby excluded, since the author cannot influence the contents of the linked pages. Therefore liability for the contents of the pages to which the pages of this website are linked shall lie solely with the provider of the other website - in no event with the party referring to an external publication and contents by way of a link. If linked pages (particularly through a change to the content after the link has been established) contain illegal, erroneous, incomplete, offensive or immoral information and in the event that the author of this page becomes (is made) aware of such contents on the linked pages, then he shall cut off the link to such pages immediately.


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